Human brain mapping with groundbreaking resolution

Ahmed Raslan, MD, Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery at OHSU School of Medicine (front center), with his students on Monday, January 17, 2022 on OHSU's mezzanine level near the Portland Aerial Tram. From left: Caleb Nerison, Joseph Nugent, Emma Richie and Brittany Stedlin. Ahmed Raslan, Edward Ward and Erik C. Brown (far right). (OHSU/Christine Torres Hicks)
The human brain is in constant motion and reacts to both external and internally generated stimuli, such as. B. the heart, allowing blood to pulsate through it. Recording brain activity at high resolution is fundamental to advance our understanding of brain circuitry, function, and disease or injury.
A team of researchers from Oregon Health & Science University and UC San Diego have demonstrated the ability of a new sensor array to record electrical signals directly from the surface of the human brain in previously unseen detail. Currently, arrays of electrocorticography (ECoG) sensors most commonly used in surgeries have between 16 and 64 sensors. Data published in Science Translational Medicine on January 19, 2022 showed the reliability of grids with 1,024 or 2,048 sensors.

Ahmed Raslan, MD (OHSU)
"Higher resolution improves our ability to perform operations with greater precision," he said Ahmed Raslan, MD, Associate Professor of Neurological Surgery at the OHSU School of Medicine. "The goal is always to remove as much of a tumor or lesion as possible without damaging adjacent tissue."
The research team, consisting of engineers and medical scientists, developed reconfigurable and scalable thin-film recording grids using platinum nanorods, so-called PtNRGrids, which can record with submillimeter resolution in the cortex of the rat brain. In humans, the flexibility of PtNRGrids provided high-resolution recordings of large and curved areas of the brain surface, as well as complex activities, including an awake patient performing grasping tasks.
The human surgeries were performed at OHSU Hospital by Raslan, who developed a testing paradigm for the device and developed pipelines for human implementation of the technology.
"Using the technology in the operating room, our team was able to define the part of the brain that corresponds to finger movement," Raslan said. "In addition, we were able to identify the spread and dynamics of epileptic discharges in a patient during an epilepsy operation - with a spatial resolution that we could not previously imagine."
These results demonstrate how PtNRGrids can transform clinical mapping and research involving brain-machine interfaces, opening up a new understanding of the brain and how it works.
The team, led by Shadi Dayeh, Ph.D., professor of electrical engineering at UC San Diego, received a $12.25 million grant from the NIH Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies® (BRAIN) Initiative, focused on developing the technology and moving it into clinical trials for people with treatment-resistant epilepsy. This grant also funds efforts to make the system wireless.
This work was recognized by National Institutes of Health Awards No. NIBIB DP2-EB029757, the NIH BRAIN Initiative R01NS123655-01, UG3NS123723-01 and NIDA R01-DA050159 and the National Science Foundation (NSF) Awards No. 1728497 and CAREER no. 1351980 supported at SAD, F32 Postdoctoral Fellowship at DC Award #MH120886-01, and an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program #DGE-1650112 at AMB do not necessarily reflect the views of the grantees.
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